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IHD Insourcing

Most e-discovery platforms are designed for universal applicability.  The most efficient systems are designed around the components of your business and the type of litigation your company is most likely to encounter.  Each e-discovery project should cost less time and money per gigabyte than the project before.  


IHD will help you construct an e-discovery model suited to your business aimed at meeting the following objectives: 

I. Comprehensive litigation hold and document retention protocol establishing an incontestable preservation process while minimizing the burden of data storage through precise segregation of materials subject to potential litigation.  Active classification and deletion measures substantially lower your e-discovery workload regardless of the type of litigation you encounter.


II.  Established data recovery and collection process identifying every medium of electronically stored information within your company while documenting the chain of custody the moment data is placed in a segregated repository.


III.  Selection of default software for processing, review, production, and case management ideal for the needs of your discovery objectives and potential scale of discovery projects.


IV. Aggressive negotiation of the scope of discovery with adversaries and regulators.  Explore the risks and benefits of quick peek and claw back agreements when appropriate.  Discovery in-sourcing affords you the invaluable advantage of searching your internal servers to gauge the volume, relevance and potentially onerous nature of indiscriminate keywords and concepts during your search term negotiations, prior to collecting data for review.


V. Filter data through negative searches for presumptive non-responsive materials netted into your collection.  Negative searching distinguishes false hits and extraneous data from the substantive aims of your review.  Once identified, these materials can be discarded with minimal scrutiny, diverting them from costly manual review.


VI. Timely definitive document designations through active communication.  No group of professionals can bring more knowledge and expertise to the analysis and dispensation of your materials than your own officers and staff.  Bridging the knowledge gap between your work force and your discovery team is essential for accurate coding.


VII. Practical uniform framework for addressing privilege communications in all of your e-discovery projects.  Automated privilege logs edited contemporaneously with your review.


VIII.  Detailed timeline and fact development illustrating the full extent and significance of the materials reviewed and produced.


IX.  Thorough mapping of your negative searches and data stripping measures for use in future projects.  Isolating the routinely generated types of extraneous data within your business is the most effective tool for reducing your e-discovery workload.  

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